Analyze the current situation at Classic Airlines (CA).

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Analyze the current situation at Classic Airlines (CA).

Analyze the current situation at Classic Airlines (CA).

Focus on challenges, opportunities, external and internal pressures on marketing

Write a clear problem statement that is: forward-thinking, motivational, brief, without historical information, to multiple solutions (solution is not part of problem statement). It should be stated as an opportunity and not include any possible solutions. Be sure to follow guidelines discussed in class.

Develop at least three SMART end-state goals. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. Make sure you have measures. Be sure to follow guidelines discussed in class. NOTE: focus on developing goals not repeating ones in scenario.

Consider the objectives and obstacles of the marketing department, and discuss the marketing resources available to resolve the issues presented.

Analyze current situation at CA; be sure you analyzeand not just list.

Benchmark what two other companies are doing to address similar marketing situations (only one can be an airline). Do not rely solely on corporate web sites for benchmark information. Use benchmarks to help develop recommendations by applying benchmark into to Classic.

Create a minimum of three recommendations focused on marketing issues for CA and provide justification for solution (make one go beyond the obvious€¦be creative). Recommendations should be based on benchmarks and align with problem statement

Be sure your problem/opportunity statement, SMART goals, benchmarks and recommendations are aligned and work together.

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