Analysis of the way Robert Recio’s classroom evidenced.

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Analysis of the way Robert Recio’s classroom evidenced.

Order Details:
In preparation for this Discussion, review the Video Guide that you completed while watching the video segment: Choice Time. then consider what you have learned with regard to the following:1). A description/analysis of the way Robert Recio’s classroom evidenced one of the point above. 2) Based on what you have learned in the course so far, a suggestion you would like to make with regard to the environment or the teacher in the video. 3). Cite this week’s learning resources to support your statement. I need the sheet that I sent to you to be fill out it is VFE CHOICE TIME VIDEO. and hear is the Resources Video; Laureate Education (Producer). (2009). Play and learning for the preschool child: the length of this media piece is 51 min. that EDUC4102 Content Rev Eval is not part of this please disregard it. if there is any question please let me know.

Note: This video covers many aspects of a “day in the life” of a preschool teacher and his classroom including areas of teaching, learning, and development you have yet to study. However, as you view the video, keep in mind that you are observing “one moment in time” and glimpsing only part of a bigger picture that is best understood by the adults who work with these children daily.
Read over the following questions before you view the video segment: Choice Time.
Then jot your thoughts and responses down. Be sure to include specific examples from the video to support your thinking.

  • What is the overall atmosphere of this classroom?
  • How is space utilized?
  • What activity areas and materials did you see?
  • How are the other spaces, such as the walls, utilized?
  • Are children given options (i.e. working alone or in groups, working quietly or with more interaction, etc.)?
  • How is the physical environment informed by children’s developmental needs, interests, and strengths?
  • How are transitions handled?
  • How do the teachers in this room support and foster children’s play and learning?
  • How have children’s strengths, needs, and interested influenced the physical environment?
  • How does this physical environment effect children’s behavior, development, and learning?
  • Is there evidence of ongoing assessment?
  • Did anything surprise you about this teacher and this classroom? If so, what?
  • Based on what you have learned, are there any suggestions you would like to make or questions you would like to ask the teacher?

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