Write a Marketing Plan for the implementation of the marketing strategy of an existing ‘Global’ company which is currently practising Localisation in one specific Country (e.g. McDonalds in Thailand).

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Write a Marketing Plan for the implementation of the marketing strategy of an existing ‘Global’ company which is currently practising Localisation in one specific Country (e.g. McDonalds in Thailand).

Marketing Plan for a ‘global’ company that is localising the global.
As the final assignment for this module, you are required to write a Marketing Plan for the implementation of the marketing strategy of an existing ‘global’ company which is currently practising localisation in one specific country (e.g. McDonalds in Thailand). This plan should identify the existing strategies and ways in which the company could generate value for stakeholders in a specific market.
Company name: TESCO Specific country; UK market
Report should include:
Title Page
Table of context
1: Executive summary
2: Introduction
3: Situation analysis ( PESTEL TOWS PORTER’s Five Forces)
4: Marketing strategy and objective:
At least 2 Company objective
5: STP Analysis
6: Evaluation and control
7: conclusions and recommendation

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