What does Chesterton understand by anarchy?
Order Description
For this essay you are required to use secondary sources. In addition to your primary source (The Man Who Was Thursday) you will also need to interact with at least three secondary sources. Internet sources (like Wikipedia) do not count. Your sources need to be books or articles (or both). You can use the databases on the library website to find appropriate sources. You will be marked for how well you interact with the sources you have chosen. Please pick one of the topics below and write an analytical essay that combines close reading of the primary text with an engaging dialogue with other critics. As before, you are required to use the MLA citation style.
All topics are in relation to The Man Who Was Thursday.
1. What kind of perspective on science does the novel provide? What, for instance, is the relationship between science and theology or science and philosophy?
2. What does Chesterton understand by anarchy?
3. How is Chesterton’s attitude to the common person different from his attitude to intellectuals? What are the reasons for this difference?
4. What role do paradoxes play in the novel and in Chesterton’s philosophy?
5. Is there closure in the final chapters of the novel? What kinds of answers and conclusions does Chesterton provide?
6. What relevance does this novel have to our own understanding (and fear) of terrorism?