Wells Fargo & Compan

non-fiction, non-autobiographical book related to child development and/or issues that children face
August 3, 2017
a company analysis project
August 3, 2017
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Wells Fargo & Compan

It same order that you made the refrence and outline, and i already i turned the SWOT that you did and i need you to update it. to return it with research paper that we gonna make,You will use the model in Exhibit 3.1 and SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) included in Exhibit 7.2, as the basis for your analysis, Your first job is to update the initial SWOT by reading current articles, web sites, etc. Once you finish with your updated SWOT analysis, you should be able to begin identifying the top three issues facing the firm you have chosen (these may be problems and/or opportunities). For each issue, you will discuss the relevant causes, impacts, and recommendations providing sound reasoning to support your views. Your recommendations for the organization’s leadership are very important. In other words, what specific actions should management take to efficiently and effectively address the three issues you have identified? Again, it is critical that you provide sound reasoning to support your positions.
The actual report begins on page two and should be typed using sentence paragraph form. You should use one inch margins, double space, 12-inch font, and a minimum of four pages. You MUST cite information used in your report within the text using APA format. You will start with a brief introduction about the company (no more than one paragraph). You may use sections and sub-headings to organize the information. You will share the prioritized issues and causes, impacts, and recommendations for each issue you select.
I would like for you to practice using the deductive paragraph form. This form involves you stating your main point in the first sentence of the paragraph. Next, please include sentences in the body of your paragraph to support your opinion(s). Finally, you should include a summary sentence to end your paragraph
“Writing the apparently deductive form enables you to present your claim immediately; your readers know what you want to say. They can pinpoint your “main idea” –your claim about the topic –and recognize your honest approach it. You will have a reason to present the supporting evidence, and that support will help to persuade your reader to accept your claim. This model, with its early presentation of thesis, is also efficient. When your time is limited, in an exam for example, you present your primary response first, as your thesis, and then you give reasons to support it. If you begin by presenting the reasons and you run out of time, you may not even state your answer to the question. Learning to think inductively and then to present your ideas in a seemingly deductive fashion enables you to clearly and succinctly persuade your audience.” (n.d. Writing Tip #2: More about the Form (Online), Retrieved on September 6, 2007. http://www.colorado.edu/pwr/writingtips/02.html)

please read that very carefully with all papers that i uploded them to you,

please you should use all the wesites the i sent you befor of my college library,

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