Weak acid from a titration Curve
Project description
1) Abstract: Version of what your project was about. This should include your major results and just enough so that I understand basically what you did. This is NOT
supposed to be a teaser, but an executive summary. shorter is usually better. Make sure that you answer the question posted in lab report .
2) Purpose: What was the point of this project ( Hint: what is the title?.
3) Procedure: Cite the lab manual. Say more only if you need to mention something unusual.
4) Data Table: Show the 5 points. You don not need to see the entire data table for your whole titration.
5)Graphs: show the titration curve. show the second derivative in a separate plot. show the second derivative.Graphs should be well labeled each filling a separate
page. “Y quantity vs X quantity is NEVER the best title for graph. Indicate on your titration curve which points you used in your calculations (circling them in pencil
on your printout in fine) be sure to display on your graphs both the data points and the connect the docks line.
6)Calculations: show your calculations worked out for all 5 points Report pKa not Ka as your final answer Average your final pKa results. write these out by hand.
7) Discussion: Briefly, state your results. tell anything else that you feel needs to be said (e.g. the strange point was a computer glitch, try to explain and outlier
result, etc). comment on the consistency (or lack thereof) of your data. Should be the values be the same? are they?
8) Questions: answer questions 3 and 4 from page 20 of the lab manual.