‘The problem with sweatshops is that there are not enough of them’ (Jeffrey Sachs ‘The End of Poverty’), in light of the Rana Plaza Bangladesh sweatshop fire that killed 1100 people (2013) is it wrong to love sweatshops?

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‘The problem with sweatshops is that there are not enough of them’ (Jeffrey Sachs ‘The End of Poverty’), in light of the Rana Plaza Bangladesh sweatshop fire that killed 1100 people (2013) is it wrong to love sweatshops?

‘The problem with sweatshops is that there are not enough of them’ (Jeffrey Sachs ‘The End of Poverty’), in light of the Rana Plaza Bangladesh sweatshop fire that killed 1100 people (2013) is it wrong to love sweatshops?

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