the film Far from Heaven s(et in 1957 and produced in 2002) this should be about the clip when Mrs Magneta meets Raymond at the diner and ends their relationship.

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the film Far from Heaven s(et in 1957 and produced in 2002) this should be about the clip when Mrs Magneta meets Raymond at the diner and ends their relationship.

the film Far from Heaven s(et in 1957 and produced in 2002) this should be about the clip when Mrs Magneta meets Raymond at the diner and ends their relationship.

You should identify the main ideas theme, emotion imp act, cinematography, mise-en-sene, editing and sounds, describe film visual style, relationship with cinematic style and content in film. talk about the types of shots used in this scene at the diner the types of shot like two shot, group shot, also high and low angle and cantid angles if there is any, also write about collar pallets and symbolic things in the film e.g. the scarf Mrs Magneta wore to see Raymond



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