
Write a Research proposal on Emotions or cross-cultural study on infants.
August 3, 2017
Absorption Spectroscopy
August 3, 2017
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1.    Introduction
Clearly defined approach to the topic, including overview of the focus and scope of the essay. Technology description: Clear and concise, based on appropriate sources
1 paragraph (150 words)
2.    Brief overview of the technology
1.5 paragraphs (300 words)
3.    Advantage of the technology
Identification of and discussion/analysis of advantages of selected technology (based on evidence).Evidence of consideration of a wide range of issues. Discussion clearly based on appropriate

references and literature related to the topic.
2 paragraphs (400 words)
4.    Disadvantages of the technology
Identification of and discussion/analysis of disadvantages of selected technology (based on evidence).Evidence of consideration of a wide range of issues. Discussion clearly based on

appropriate references and literature related to the topic.
2 paragraphs (400 words)
5.    How compromise can be achieved
1 paragraph (150 words)

6.    Conclusions
1 paragraph (150 words)
7.    References
Do not count in the word counting.
Use of Harvard Referencing Style is compulsory.
(Cochrane 2007, p. 117). Or by Cochrane (2007, p. 117)
…(Jackson 2007)…
…(Kramer&Bloggs 2002)…
References should be listed in alphabetical order
Cochrane, A 2007, Understanding urban policy: a critical approach, Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA.
Jackson, A 2007, ‘New approaches to drug therapy’, Psychology Today and Tomorrow, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 54-9.
Kramer, E &Bloggs, T 2002, ‘On quality in art and art therapy’, American Journal of Art Therapy, vol. 40, pp. 218-31.

Appropriate sources are books, scientific journal articles and statistics from governmental or international organisms and associations. Only for some very specific or anecdotal information,

company websites and newspaper or magazine articles may be valid.
Websites such as ezinearticles, buzzle, clean energy ideas, pv resources, and the like are not appropriate sources for a university essay.
Wikipedia is NOT an appropriate source for a university essay. Conversely, appropriate and relevant sources used in Wikipedia articles are acceptable.

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