Dissertation topic
I. Title : Schizophrenia’s Direct Relationship with Criminal Violence
II. Abstract
Mentally ill persons tend to have greater chances of committing violent offenses while the violence done by such person becomes a re-occurring incident. It seems that anti-social and violent behavior in an individual who soon develop schizophrenia which he or she could direct towards others.
III. Background
There has been an increasing report of violence done by individuals who were reported to have schizophrenia and other psychoses. However, the idea of schizophrenia has not been given concrete attention considering that most of the individuals who committed violence were not initially diagnosed with schizophrenia while family and friends try to hide the true mental state of the individual.
IV. Statement of the Problem
Reports of the violent crimes in the United States has raised awareness of individuals
who may have violent tendencies due to their schizophrenic mental disorder. The Virginia Teach Shooting Massacre that killed lives and changed people’s way of life was orchestrated by Seung Hui Cho a permanent resident in the United States was diagnosed by the Forensic panel to have paranoid schizophrenia. Individuals like Cho would have a restitution of emotional turmoil from experiences. However, while news links schizophrenia to criminal violence, there seems to be contradicting information that schizophrenic people may tend to be withdrawn and be left alone. Nonetheless, studies show that there are several factors that may have triggered a schizophrenic person to be criminally violent. Drug or alcohol abuse became the first risk of violence especially when the individual is untreated.
V. Purpose/Aim/Research Questions
The guiding research question is under what condition would an individual with
Schizophrenia engages in violent crimes? This involves the following specific objectives:
1.) To allocate evidences that show individuals with schizophrenia reported to have violent criminal records.
2.) To determine the context of the individuals who engaged in violent criminal records.
My supervisor feedback about Dissertation topic :
this is beginning to look like a good proposal. So you need to:
research the relationship between a diagnosis of schizophrenia and violent crime; how common is it given the prevalence of the disorder and the numbers of violent crimes committed? You also need to focus on a particular country unless you are making comparisons.
You are right to use case studies and you might want to choose 3/4 high profile ones and the findings of case reviews into these incidents to cover the factors that you identify such as previous offences, access to treatment, and triggering factors.
Dissertation should be 15000 word
APA Harvard style