Research the organizational system and compare them to Escoffier’s brigadier system with an emphasis on the distribution or combination of duties

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Research the organizational system and compare them to Escoffier’s brigadier system with an emphasis on the distribution or combination of duties

Research the organizational system and compare them to Escoffier’s brigadier system with an emphasis on:

1.The distribution or combination of duties
2. the chain of command I.E hierarchy EG., who is at the top of command, middle, bottom etc. what is the chain of command for the entire restaurant as well as within each department

3. The rationale for these decision base on:

a) menu (simple preparations, complexpreparations, number of cooking techniques, etc)
b) customer expectation (speed, highly refined dining, customizing of items etc
c) culture (ethnic, religious, regional traditions, etc)
d) location (business district, suburbs, food truck, etc
e) type of service eg, fine dining, fast casual, catering, commissary, etc

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