Reading Reflection

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Reading Reflection

Please use the questions as subheadings, in order to ensure that you answer all of the questions. You can respond to the readings as a group rather than one by one, but be as specific as you can when discussing the contents of the readings.In order to demonstrate that you have the assigned readings and thought about their ideas and practical implications please provide quotations in answering the questions below. You may reference your quotations by using author’s last name and page number: (Belkin, 2014, p. #).

I. Description [You may cluster your responses rather than reporting article by article.]
A. What were the main insights that came to you from these readings?
B. Which author particularly stood out for you? Why?
C. What references or resources in this articles compelled your attention?

II. Evaluation
A. How well did these authors make their case? What was missing?
B. How well did they take account of other points of view on the same subject?
C. Where did you find yourself in disagreement with one or more of the authors?

III. Application [Address point A, and all others pertinent to your context.]
. How do these readings enrich your thinking and expand your knowledge?
A. What are the implications for your work in pastoral and spiritual care-giving?
B. What are the implications for theological and religious interpretation?
C. What are the implications for preaching and teaching?
D. What are the implications for social and cultural change?
E. What other responses or changes do you expect to result from these readings?

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