Queen Elizabeth I And Louis XIV
Paper instructions:
You will find two PDF files in this folder, Louis XIV and Elizabeth I. Use the materials in one or both PDFs, depending on which questions you choose.
1. Focus on the sources related to one monarch (choose one PDF). Consider both the type of government of that monarch (explained in lecture on 10/24 and 10/28 and in the readings associated with those days) and the style of governing of the monarch. What is the monarch’s approach to governing?
Hint: It is easy to say what kind of monarchy the person headed. This question asks you to go beyond that and consider how the ruler, in these sources, made him- or herself fit perfectly into that system of monarchy.
2. Using at least three documents from EACH of the PDFs (six total; you may use more), compare the approach to rule of Elizabeth I and Louis XIV. How were they similar or different? You will need to focus your answer and draw on appropriate documents from those provided.
Hint: One approach might be to consider how the monarchs interacted with their subjects and tied their subjects to them.