Project Management

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Project Management


Project Title:
Date Prepared:
Project Manager:
Project Sponsor/s:
Why do this project? (What problem/opportunity has arisen? What value or goal are we addressing?)
Project Deliverables (What tangible product, service, document, etc. will be produced by this project? How will it address the purpose shown above?)
What benefits will result? (Show $ total if possible).
How will they be measured?
What constraints, boundaries or limitations affect the scope of the project (e.g. time, budget, people)?
Who are the main stakeholder groups (anyone affected by the project work and outcomes)?
List key project objectives (should be SMART, and guide quality and results):

How will they be measured? List key constraints (other projects that are inter-dependent or conflicting, legislation, deadlines, etc.):
Estimated start date: Estimated end date:

Estimated FTE staff required:
Estimated total project cost : $
(Includes % contingency)
Risk – List any major risks to delivering a successful project (meeting all time/cost/quality objectives):

List any major risks which may be created by this project (business, environment, financial, etc):

List key risks of NOT doing this project (refer to Why Do This and Benefits):
List critical success factors (“must-haves”, opposite of risks):

Project Purpose
Why do this project? What is the organisational driver? What problem or opportunity has arisen? What value or goal are we addressing?
Has approval been gained for the project to proceed? Do you need to seek authorisation at various stages? If so, please indicate the authorisation stages needed for the project to proceed. (refer to Authorisation Summary)


Project Scope The extent of all aspects of the project. Define the boundaries – what is in and what is out.
Project Stakeholders
Who will be affected in any way by the project work or outcomes? Who needs to be consulted? In how much detail? How will you identify and address their concerns? (Attach Stakeholder Analysis with full details)
Project Deliverables
What tangible product, service, document, etc. will be produced by this project? How will it address the above purpose?
Project Benefits
What financial, community, time-saving, environmental or other benefits are projected to result? What is their value? How will they be measured? Benefits and Value Measures
Project Constraints
What limits and boundaries will apply (e.g. time, geographical, budget, legal, equipment, people resources, conflicting or inter-dependent projects)? What is in and what is out?

Project Scope (Continued)
Project Assumptions
What is being assumed (e.g. skilled staff available, weather conditions, system reliability)? Define assumptions so they can be understood or challenged.
Project Objectives
SMART* objectives should include time, cost, quality, and define deliverables’ attributes (e.g. reduce 15,000 km service time from 1 hour to 40 mins. within 1 month of new process implementation).
* Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-framed. Performance measures
Scope Management Plan
How will pressures to change project scope be managed and controlled?
How will change requests be processed and documented? What authority levels will be required to make decisions on requested changes?
What review points or decision gates will be put in place to manage scope and progress?
What process will be in place for monitoring and reporting scope-related issues?
What is the plan for measuring scope management effectiveness at project end and implementing improvements? Who will this information be provided to?


Project Scope (Continued)
Project People Resources
How many internal FTE (full-time equivalent) people are required on the project team? What support function time will be required (e.g. legal, IT)? Will contract staff be hired? What functions or activities will be contracted out to suppliers? (Refer People Resources and Investment Analysis sections below for details)
Project Milestones
A milestone is an event tied to a date. Completion or review of each major project phase and activity should be shown as a milestone to enable progress to be measured. (Attach Gantt chart or similar if appropriate.) Key Activity or Event
1. Commence project (initiation)
2. Identify key stakeholders and conduct meeting
3. Gather data, prepare and circulate Exec. Summary for provisional approval
4. Etc.
Estimated Date
1. 31/1/08
2. 13/2/08
3. 20/2/08


Project Quality What are the quality requirements and criteria by all stakeholders at all stages of the project? How will you identify and document them? How will you manage and measure them?
Deliverables – what is required of the final product, document or service produced by the project? How has the customer defined quality? How can we ensure expectations are met?
Objectives – well-defined objectives will help deliver quality. How will the performance or achievement of quality objectives be measured?
Standards – what standards do customers expect? Are there compliance standards (e.g. Australian or ISO 9004), industry/professional standards or specifications?

Project Quality (Continued)
Levels – how will the required level of quality be defined and measured? Is it microns, defect percentage, performance, downtime, etc.?
Criteria – how will all the above be documented and measured for acceptance at project completion?
Quality Assurance – how will quality be monitored, measured and reported at all stages?
Tools – what quality management methods, tools and techniques will be used to maintain and deliver specified quality?
Monitoring – what preventive measures, audits, inspections and other controls will be maintained?
Rectification – how will quality problems be analysed and corrective actions implemented?
Communication – what reporting and other communication regarding quality management is required by stakeholders?
Quality Improvement – what processes will be put in place to review the effectiveness of quality management procedures, to identify and implement process and quality improvements, and to share lessons learned?


Project Schedule
Time Constraints
What unchangeable factors affect timing or duration (e.g. legislation requires compliance by June 30, building is not accessible until Feb.1 and fit-out must be completed by April 30, etc.)? Refer “Constraints” under “Project Scope”.
Estimated Start & Finish
Are these fixed (as per constraints) or flexible? What could affect dates? What else is this project timing dependent on?
Key Milestones
Refer to Project Milestones under Project Scope
Work plan
Attach a Gantt prepared in MS Project or other project specific software, showing work breakdown structure (WBS), task sequences, duration, dependencies, etc. Comment as appropriate.

What measures, reviews, tools, reports, etc. will be used to track task durations and project progress?
How will trend data be used to forecast task and milestone completion dates/times?
How will scheduling issues be identified, documented, addressed and rectified?

How will schedule changes be managed, authorised and reported?
Time Management Improvement
What processes will be put in place to review the effectiveness of time management procedures, to identify and implement process and quality improvements, and to share lessons learned?


Project Budget What is required to identify, analyse and refine project costs (and any offsetting benefits) to produce a budget? How will the budget and other mechanisms be used to control project cost?
Project Costs
What is the overall cost estimate for the project?
Is there already a budget approved?
What grants, sponsorship or other offsets are available?
(Refer to the Project Budget Analysis) $
What resources are required to complete all individual tasks? Whose input should be obtained? Refer Work Breakdown Structure.

What tools, techniques and input will be used to estimate costs of required resources? What margins should be added for contingencies and changes?
What are the costs and any offsets (grants, benefits)?
See sample budget table below.
Cost Control
What plans, processes, tracking and analysis tools and reporting will be implemented to ensure effective management and control of project finances?
How will cost issues be identified and actioned to ensure financial objectives met?
What financial completion activities must be scheduled and conducted at project end?
What reviews will be undertaken to evaluate effectiveness of cost management processes and procedures?
How will process improvements be captured and implemented?


Project Risk What is required to identify, analyse and evaluate risks, both to the successful delivery of the project and as a direct result of the project? How will risks be monitored, managed and treated?
Determine Risks
Who will be involved in identifying potential risks for this project?
What tools will be used to identify, analyse and rate risks and appropriate treatments?
What processes and procedures will be used to plan and communicate risk management actions? Refer Project Risk Analysis
Complete a detailed Risk Assessment using project specific software listing the key risks, ratings and control measures (you may use tools available in your workplace or refer to the WorkSafe website.
Monitor and Control Risks
How will project risk actions and developments be tracked and reported? How will variances and changes be identified and addressed? How will adherence to risk management plans be monitored? What will ensure identification and treatment of any new risks identified during the project? Who will be responsible for determining remedial actions?

Assess Outcomes
What reviews will be undertaken to evaluate effectiveness of risk management processes and procedures?
How will process improvements be captured and implemented?

Procurement and Contract Management Identification of which resources/activities should be outsourced, selection of suppliers and managing delivery; establishing supplier relationships and contracts and monitoring contract performance.
Determine Requirements
Develop the specifications for goods requiring procurement.
What criteria and tools will be used to decide in sourcing / outsourcing of resources?
Whose input should be obtained?
What procurement management plan will be implemented or utilised to achieve project objectives?

Procurement Processes
Develop the selection process and key selection criteria (including OHS requirements).
What procurement processes, criteria and documentation (including authorisation) will be used to ensure selection of right suppliers, e.g. EOI, weighted selection grid, RFT, tender, etc?

Communication Methods
How will you communicate the specifications and selection criteria to stakeholders and prospective contractors to ensure fair competition?
What forms of contract will be used? Do they exist or need to be created? How will legal compliance and effective wording be ensured?
How will accuracy and correct interpretation of specifications and objectives be ensured?
Who will evaluate tenders and select suppliers?
Who will negotiate contract terms and conditions?

Procurement and Contract Management (Continued)Contract Management
Who will be responsible for communicating with and managing contractors?
What monitoring, inspection, review or audit processes will be implemented to manage progress to achieve objective within the legal framework of the contract?
Who will be responsible for managing contractor issues, changes, disputes and remedial actions be handled?
What will be done to ensure contract deliverables meet requirements?
What reviews will be undertaken to evaluate effectiveness of procurement and contract management processes and procedures?
How will process improvements be captured and implemented?


Human Resources Planning for human resources, identifying staff training and development needs and implementing training and development, managing the team and other project stakeholders.
Plan Stakeholder Management
Identify stakeholders, their input and requirements (refer Stakeholder section under Project Scope above, and attach a stakeholder analysis).
How will you involve, communicate and manage expectations?
Plan HR Management
Using WBS and stakeholder input, what staffing levels and competencies are required?
List the project team members allocated to the project and provide a brief paragraph regarding their expertise (like a mini CV) highlighting competencies required to meet the project objectives.
What HR structure will be used (e.g. matrix, project, line, etc.)? Attach diagram if appropriate.
How will availability & allocation of best resources be ensured?
Where will roles and responsibilities be defined?
What performance management, reward and recognition plans and measures will be used? How will they be communicated?
How will training and development needs be determined? (See Skills Matrix)
Training & Development
What training and development needs are identified to maximise people effectiveness?
What solutions are identified, approved, scheduled and implemented?
What performance management, coaching, recognition and other development support is provided?
See Training Needs below ???
Team Management
How will performance issues, reward and recognition be handled?
Who will be responsible for determining remedial actions needed?
How will morale and conflict be managed?
What is the team and stakeholder communication plan? Refer to Project Communications
How will HR improvements be captured and communicated?
Project Communications
What is planned to link people, ideas and information at all stages of the project life-cycle.
Communication Plan
What are the stakeholder requirements for communications? Refer Stakeholder Analysis attached.
What is the plan for communicating at all stages, including progress reporting? Attach detailed plan as appropriate.
What media (reports, email, meetings, etc.) will be used?
What project information system will be set up?

Information Management
What systems and procedures will be used to gather, analyse, store and distribute project information?
What controls will ensure data quality, integrity and accuracy?
What networks will be set up and used for communications, e.g. with contractors, clients, community, etc?
How will information management system problems be identified?

What formats, content and frequency will ensure clear and full understanding and good relationships?
How will reporting or other communication issues be addressed?
Who will determine remedial actions?
What will happen to project information at project end?
How will communication management effectiveness be measured and improved?
How will lessons learned be shared?
Who will take ownership of and responsibility for information collected?
? If Provisional, approval to develop final plan/charter

? If Final Charter, approval to proceed with project


Role / Name Signature Date Conditions (If Any)
Project Manager
Project Sponsor


(Attach detailed documents as appropriate)
Staffing (internal)
(develop from WBS)

External Contractors, etc.
Materials / supplies
Travel, meals and accommodation

Other (provide details)
Add Contingency Margins

Scope change @ X%
General @ Y%
Less Offsets (grants, sponsorship, etc.)

Less Benefits (quantify where possible)
Estimated R.O.I %
(Benefit as % of cost)

(Attach detailed documents as appropriate)

KEY RISKS IDENTIFIED Refer Detailed Risk Register for Risk Assessment, Analysis and Management Plans (Attach)
List any major risks to delivering this project successfully (meeting all time/cost/quality objectives), e.g. losing key staff, weather conditions, short time-frame, inadequate funding, etc.
List any major risks which may be created by this project, e.g. environmental impact, litigation, financial resources over-stretched, new product may cannibalise existing product, etc):
List key risks of NOT doing this project (refer to Why Do This and Benefits) e.g. fall behind competitors, fail to improve quality, continue to waste time and effort, etc.

4 – Expert
3 – Skilled
2 – Familiar
1 – Novice

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