Produce a sequential timeline, identifying the major policy statements or legislation that had significant effects on the enforcement of drug laws in the United States

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Produce a sequential timeline, identifying the major policy statements or legislation that had significant effects on the enforcement of drug laws in the United States

Produce a sequential timeline, identifying the major policy statements or legislation that had significant effects on the enforcement of drug laws in the United States. The timeline should begin with the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act and end at today’s date. This project may contain a chart, detailing the significant statements and legislation, and should also contain significant narrative explanations. The narrative portion of the project should be at least two full pages of text. The narrative should also contain:

· a detailed description of the event
· an assessment of its impact on drug and/or alcohol control
· public attitudes/responses to the event
Each annotation should have no less than four sources

· Each annotation should contain approximately 150 words.

· Double space

· 12 pt. font

· 1” margins

· Use APA citations for all sources

Additionally –

· Create a cover page for your assignment

· Include your name

· Course title and number

· Project title

· Topic selected

· Date of submission

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