Outline the debate that took place over the adoption of the North American Free Trade Agreement. Has NAFTA been good for Canada?
The purpose of the essay is to identify the ideas and interests involved in an issue of public policy. Students will identify the key ideas and arguments on each side of the issue, explain which theoretical views are underlying the debate (liberal, neoliberal), and identify the special interests that favour each point of view. The topics are listed below. The essays will be graded on depth of research, argumentation, organization and writing style. Bibliographies must have a minimum of 10 sources used which conform to scholarly standards. (Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source) All internet sources must be able to be accessed during grading. See outline re: late paper policy.
Research Paper/Case study: This project makes use of primary source material (government and corporate documents, journals, newspapers, interviews etc.) to delve into the precise operations of government agencies or a firm, as designated by the topics. This involves the in-depth study of a problem or issue area pertinent to business-government relations. The issue areas are to be discussed and decided upon in consultation with the instructor. (2500-3000 words) Students will use the “Chicago Manual of Style” for citations. A good handbook for citations is Writing with Sources by Gordon Harvey published by Hackett Publishing Company. (12 point, double spaced), Times New Roman