Martin Luther King, Jr

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Describe the current trends in your sector and how your organisation’s strategy is addressing them, ensuring that this not-specialist audience will be able to understand and learn from your perspectives.
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Martin Luther King, Jr

Martin Luther King, Jr

Do you think Martin Luther King, Jr. had resonance? Why?

In a 1 page essay discussing; Do you think Martin Luther King, Jr. had resonance? Why?
Week 7 Content
Objectives Week 7 – Commitment to Purpose
• To understand what is meant by the “experiential dream” and realize that what is going on “inside” truly matters
• Explore the “resonance” phenomenon
• To consider the different types of personal freedom and acknowledge the link between freedom and responsibility
• To realize the inevitability of obstacles
• To consider the different effects of choice and obligation on performance
Study Notes Assignments Discussion Leader Description (Final Paper)
Study Notes Content
Access Resources Study Notes
Not much happens without a dream. And for something great to happen, there must be a great dream. Behind every great achievement is a dreamer of great dreams. Much more than a dreamer is required to bring it reality; but the dream must be there first.
There is no more famous phrase in the lexicon of American history than the statement “I have a dream,” delivered in a speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. on August 28, 1963 in Washington, D.C. in front of the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. This phrase came from a deep personal conviction and spoke directly to the hearts of all who heard. It is said to have catapulted Dr. King into the undisputed position of leadership within the Civil Rights Movement.
It is difficult to imagine a more resonant experience than that of Dr. King standing at the podium on that muggy-hot August afternoon, with over a quarter of a million Freedom Marchers before him and Mahalia Jackson shouting from behind him to, “Tell them about the dream, Martin,” and he pausing, gathering his thoughts and expanding, in near lyrical cadence, upon “his dream.”
This week we focus on the lessons we can learn from extraordinary leaders and world class performers; their successes and struggles in capturing their dreams.
Several years ago I visited a small adobe church in Las Vegas, New Mexico. The cool, quiet atmosphere was a lovely respite from the hot dusty din in the street outside. As I surveyed the items behind the gift counter that was set up in a corner of the church’s vestibule, my eyes lit on a small, intricately woven circular net with three feathers hanging from its rim. There was a tiny chip of turquoise in the upper portion of the netting. I asked the lady attendant to tell me about this lovely little object.
“It’s a Navajo dream catcher.”
That beautiful little dream catcher now hangs above my desk as a constant reminder that there are many ways to catch a dream, both big and small.
Behaving as and becoming an effective leader is a secondary by-product of an intense commitment to a purpose.
Assignments Content
Instructions Assignments
Clawson, Chapter 13, “Resonance, Leadership and the Purpose of Life.”
Hansen, the Prologue and Chapter 1 “The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.”
Listen to Martin Luther Kings, I Have A Dream speech,
Submit: FINAL PROJECT – Part One – Bridging Theory and Practice Leadership Paper
A two-paragraph description of the leader is to be submitted by day 7 of week 7.
Study Group: On page 184 in Clawson are 10 questions for personal reflection. Take a few minutes to respond and reflect by yourself to questions 1 through 9. Discuss with others in your group your response to number 10: How might you take the lead in moving toward resonance in your work group?
Discussion Topics are listed in the syllabus and this week’s discussion board.
Weekly discussions follow a 4 phase cycle in which you
1) Respond to the questions; one response is a minimal requirement; two or more responses demonstrate full participation
2) Comment on other students’ postings
3) Read the comments others have made on your postings; and
4) Respond stating what you have gained from their insights/commentary.
Respect the weekly DEADLINES.
1) By Tuesday of this week make your first posting; (all original postings should be made by Wednesday 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time).
2) By Friday comment on at least two of your colleagues’ postings, selecting, if applicable, postings that have not yet received feedback. Challenge others’ logic, assumptions, clarity, etc. as appropriate.
3&4) By Sunday read the comments others have made on your postings and respond stating what you have gained from their insights/commentary.
Discussion Content
Welcome to the Week Seven Discussion area!
Post your responses to the discussion based on the course requirements.
Post to Discussion
To access this week’s Discussion, click on the Post to Discussion link above.

paste each of your initial Discussion posts into a Microsoft Word document, save it with the file name “WK7Disc1+last name+first initial.doc” or “WK7Disc2+last name+first initial.doc”, and submit it to Turnitin via the View/Complete link below.
Discussion 1 Turnitin – Week 7
To submit your completed Discussion for Turnitin review and grading, do the following:

Click the View/Complete link. Then click the Submit button next to the name of the assignment. Once you have clicked on the link, scroll down and choose the appropriate paper item submission method from the drop down menu and fill in the remaining required fields. (Please use the naming convention “WK7Disc1+last name+first initial” as the Submission Title).

Next, click on the Browse button. Find the document you saved as “WK7Disc1+last name+first initial.doc” and click Open. Then click on the Upload button at the bottom of the page. You will then see a screen where you may review your submission. Once you have finished reviewing your submission, click on the Submit button. Finally, you will see a screen that will indicate your paper was submitted successfully.
Discussion 2 Turnitin – Week 7
To submit your completed Discussion for Turnitin review and grading, do the following:

Click the View/Complete link. Then click the Submit button next to the name of the assignment. Once you have clicked on the link, scroll down and choose the appropriate paper item submission method from the drop down menu and fill in the remaining required fields. (Please use the naming convention “WK7Disc2+last name+first initial” as the Submission Title).

Next, click on the Browse button. Find the document you saved as “WK7Disc2+last name+first initial.doc” and click Open. Then click on the Upload button at the bottom of the page. You will then see a screen where you may review your submission. Once you have finished reviewing your submission, click on the Submit button. Finally, you will see a screen that will indicate your paper was submitted successfully.
Forum: Week 7 Discussion
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June 25, 2012 12:57:36 PM EDT1 year ago – Anonymous Discussion 2 – Week 7

Discussion 2 –
Do you think Martin Luther King, Jr. had resonance? Why?

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