International trade law

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International trade law

1-Apply the Trade Law taught in the module to export or import scenarios of your choosing so that you can demonstrate how

Trade Law works in practice rather than just theory. This is different from last year, when the focus was much more from a

legal standpoint than a business practitioner standpoint.
2-The ‘export (or import) scenario’ is entirely up to you; perhaps it is a trading activity you would like to do after

graduation involving trade between your home country and other countries. I said in class on Thursday that I thought that

most students would choose an export scenario . Whichever scenario you choose, it will involve specific countries, types

of products, and therefore specific options regarding carriers, banks and insurance companies and therefore Terms and

3-Point out that focusing your assignment on a specific scenario makes the assignment easier to prepare and more effective

than writing generally about exporting or trade in general.
4- the key documents and laws or regulations covered in the module. In particular the ‘key documents’ are the documents

that will come up in any trading scenario.
5-Your paper should in essence follow this checklist for your specific scenario. It should be a business report showing

that have investigated the options for your trading scenario and analysed them in the context of the module and that you

recommend specific choices given what you have learned in the module.
6-Examples of this investigation in point number 5: You should ‘shop around’ with different carriers and you will get

different contracts from them. Is one contract better than other in terms of applicable law, dispute resolution or

insurance terms? Another example would be to research financial institutions who deal with Letters of Credit for the

countries involved—should you choose one over another? Your recommendations should reflect your choices and the reasons

behind them.
7-Although there is more focus on application of the law to business scenarios, the laws themselves should not be ignored,

so citing specific laws or cases to illustrate your points is important.
International Business Environment and Trade
12 March Lecture Bookmarks,55.3649582,4254m/data=!3m1!1e3


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