my class is emergency management. the assignment is to choose something in emergency management skills then write about it 3 pages only. find me 5 peer- reviewed articles as references( it has to be short articles each articles no more than 15 pages) ,but remember peer- reviewed. i will upload instruction file. also, i will upload one page read it carefully to help you to understand what i need from you. i will pay more to get copies of the articles so what i need you to do is provide me of copies of 5 articles that you are going to use, and please highlight on each article the information that you used for my paper. so i need from you 4 highlighted articles.
in this paper you are working i suggest to find management skills that are broad enough to cover a broad spectrum of disasters. By this, I mean – instead of finding good tactics for managing a snowstorm – find something that would help no matter what level you were managing and no matter what type of disaster it is.