Engineering and Construction IMech Challenge
Project description
Assessment item 3 – Individual report and reflective account on IMechE Challenge activity
This is worth 50% of the marks for the module. It should be an INDIVIDUAL report of around
4000 +/- 10% words plus images, describing and analysing your OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE
participation in the IMechE’s Design Challenge.
It should include, at a minimum, YOUR ACCOUNT of:
? What YOU understood to be the key elements of the Challenge
? What activities YOU conducted during the Challenge
? The main design features and operating principles of YOUR TEAM’S solution to the
Challenge; use images and CAD snapshots as appropriate
? The process your team went through in designing, building, testing and competing with
the challenger; include wherever possible YOUR OWN CONTRIBUTION to this process
? What YOU learnt from the process – a REFLECTIVE ACCOUNT. You may find it helpful to
refer to David Kolb’s work on “Experiential Learning” (Kolb, 1984)