Diversity Training and Intervention Program: Price Waterhouse Sex Discrimination Lawsuits

Federal or State Crime
August 3, 2017
August 3, 2017
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Diversity Training and Intervention Program: Price Waterhouse Sex Discrimination Lawsuits

Study an organization’s approach to an adverse diversity and/or social justice concern/problem and develop a strategy to address it. The purpose of the project/paper is to evaluate how the organization handled the concern/problem and based on that information, create a more effective means to address the situation with a Diversity Training and Intervention Program (DTIP).

Specifically students are to write a paper according to the following steps:

1) Conduct a search to find a real organization that has struggled with diversity or social justice related issues. For example, Chrysler Group, LLC was ordered to pay $60,000 under a consent decree relative to a retaliation lawsuit brought by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The EEOC sued Chrysler in December 2009 for unlawfully retaliating against two women after they opposed sex discrimination at Chrysler’s national parts distribution center in Milwaukee. (EEOC v. Chrysler Group, LLC, No. 08-C-1067 (E.D. Wis.). In another example, Denny’s Restaurants were ordered to pay $54 million in race bias suits during the 1990s. NOTE: The two examples provided (Chrysler and Denny’s) cannot be used in fulfillment of this assignment!

2) Research the organization thoroughly and gather information that addresses, for example: Who are they? What do they do? When did they start? What is their mission/vision? Where are they located? How many facilities do they have? How many people are employed? What is the annual revenue? Are they publicly traded? Who are their stakeholders? Who are their customers? Etc., etc., etc.

3) Develop a DTIP to address the problem(s) unearthed during the search. The ideas for the DTIP can be based on course materials, your own experiences, by conducting an Internet search, visiting a library, discussing the issue with friends, family, or colleagues, etc.

4) Things to consider as the plan is being developed include but are not necessarily limited to:

?Who will be responsible for implementing the DTIP?
?Who will be affected by the DTIP?
?Who is expected to participate in the DTIP?
?How will the DTIP vary by location (if applicable)?
?What are the specifics of the DTIP? What are employees expected to do as part of the training?
?What is the time frame for the completion of the DTIP, or is it a continuous program?
?What are the objectives and goals of the DTIP?
?What are the benchmarks for measuring success? Specifically, how will the organization tie the specifics of the program to goals/objectives AND outcomes? In other words, how does each piece of the puzzle impact or fit with the other pieces?
?What are the approximate costs associated with the program? Do the expenditures (monetarily, time, human capital, etc.) outweigh any potential benefit?
?What are the long term impacts and/or expectations?

Papers must be a minimum of five pages (not including a cover page, abstract, references, or any appendices). Papers must be written according to APA guidelines and a minimum of five souces must be used.

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