Constitution Nevada and the Us Constitution Custom Essay

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August 3, 2017
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August 3, 2017
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Constitution Nevada and the Us Constitution Custom Essay

What is the significance of the fact that the Nevada Constitution is lengthier than the US Constitution? Based on the length of the two sets of laws, one cannot derive the significance of either given that they are supposed to govern at different levels. Currently the US constitution is the supreme law that governs all the states in the United States of America. The US constitution is formed of seven articles that were original in totality. The first articles relates to the powers of the legislature while article two relates to the powers of the executive. Article three relates to the judiciary and its powers, while article four deals with the powers of the state and the limits they have. Article five then relates to the due process that has to be followed when any of the amendments are being done to the constitution. The sixth article then details the powers that the federal government has, while the last article, number seven, relates to the ratification.

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