Child Abuse and Child Discipline

applied project management
August 3, 2017
Paper instructions: This is part 5 of the following order ID’s(also attached): order ID#153310(Part 1), order ID# #155333(Part 2), order ID# 155984(Part 3), order ID#160035(Part 4):
August 3, 2017
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Child Abuse and Child Discipline

Child Abuse and Child Discipline

Paper instructions:

A position paper presents an arguable opinion about an issue. The goal of a position paper is to convince the audience that your opinion is valid and worth listening to. Ideas that you are considering need to be carefully examined in choosing a topic, developing your argument, and organizing your paper. Your job is to take one side of the argument and persuade your audience that you have well-founded knowledge of the topic being presented. It is important to support your argument with evidence to ensure the validity of your claims. It is also important to acknowledge your opposition.

The successful essay will include:
1) A clear and concise thesis statement that tells readers the point or purpose of the paper.
2) A clear position on an issue that is expressed throughout your essay.
3) Sufficient evidence to support your position.
4) Effective use of pathos, logos, and ethos.
5) Acknowledging your opposition.
6) Relatively few grammatical and spelling errors

1) Essay should be written in APA format.
2) Please have an original title for your paper.
3) Please include page numbers.
4) All papers should be typed using Times New Roman, 12 point font, and double spaced with 1 in. margins.
5) You must use at least 3 outside sources (DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA)
6) This paper should be written in third person.
7) Spell out all contractions

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