Cause and Effect Custom Essay

August 3, 2017
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August 3, 2017
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Cause and Effect Custom Essay

Causes and Effects of Legalizing Drugs Say no to drugs? This is the message that the anti-narcotics have been preaching in United States. The philosophy has been difficult to sell as drug life has become a routine in people’s lives. Neither the small nor the big has gone without noting the constant damaging effects of drugs. Banning of illegal drugs can be traced back to 1920s when the nation struggled with the banishment of alcohol. All forms of prohibition to stop further effects of illicit drug have failed. This is why some ideologists are of the opinion that legalizing use of drugs would solve the problem. While giving his views on the issue, Thorton (2004) appealed to high ranking authority in United States to consider legalizing use and sale of drugs illicit drugs (Thornton 56).

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