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prepare a 6 pages Bible study lesson from 1 of the following passages in Isaiah 1?39: Isaiah 1:10?20; 5:1?7; 11:1?9; 22:1?14; 22:15?25; 24:1?13; 27:1?13; 28:14?29; 37:1?38; or 38:1?21. The lesson should be like a manuscript of a sermon, lesson, or Bible study that you would deliver in a church context.
The lesson should contain the following elements:
1. An introduction that introduces the passage/topic of the lesson that includes a 1-sentence (highlighted) summary statement that gives the central idea of your lesson.
2. A detailed explanation of the passage within the body of the lesson. You should cover the entire passage (for longer passages, this will obviously involve less detail for each verse), and the lesson should focus on explaining your passage to the audience?this should not be a topical lesson that simply uses the passage as a starting-point for your theme.
3. Application and theological issues relevant to the audience should be integrated into your explanation of the passage. Focus on explaining how this passage is relevant and practical to your contemporary audience. Be specific in showing how the passage applies to Christians today. The applications should be directly related to your explanation of the passage, and there should be a clear connection between the message of the passage itself and the applications that you are drawing for your audience. The balance between explanation of your passage and application should be roughly 70?75% to 25?30%.
4. Do not include long quotations of your passage or parallel passages that you use in the lesson?if using a parallel passage, simply provide the reference. This will allow you to devote maximum space to your explanation/development of the passage and your lesson.
5. You may provide brief illustrations, but keep them to the point and try to use no more than 1?2 of these.
6. Write the manuscript as you would speak the lesson, but the paper should reflect spelling, grammar, and style appropriate for a graduate-level written assignment. The paper should be double-spaced and use 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins all around. As with a formal term paper, use headings to mark off the major sections of your message.
7. You are required to use a minimum of 6 scholarly reference sources in addition to any of the required textbooks (journal articles and commentaries especially). You may use devotional commentaries (e.g., Henry, Wiersbe, Spurgeon, Lucado), study Bibles, or popular preacher?s sermons, but these will not count toward the required sources. Please include a bibliography at the end of your message/lesson listing the sources you have used. Your paper should footnote specific citations/quotations from other sources, but as in other written assignments for this course, avoid lengthy quotations of outside sources (Your explanation and development of the passage should be apparent).
8. This sermon/lesson should be your own original work and not something that is a modification of another teacher/preacher?s outline or message.

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