analysis of short story

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analysis of short story

analysis of short story

Paper instructions:
For this assignment, you are to choose one of the short stories from the textbook and perform a literary analysis. You will need to focus on one of the literary elements that we have discussed (or will discuss) in class (plot, characterization, point of view, setting, imagery, symbolism, or theme). Do not try to analyze all aspects of the entire piece! You may choose one of the short stories that we have covered (or will cover) in class or choose one of the many in the textbook that we do not address. If you would like to choose a short story that is not in the textbook, please run your choice by me first. Make sure that your essay has an effective thesis statement. Your thesis statement should make a claim that your paper will prove or validate. Use textual citations and examples to support your argument. Do not offer a summary or a synopsis – I am not looking for a “book report.”
Length = approximately 1000 words. Make sure that you follow the guidelines for formatting that are located on your Blackboard page. Utilize textual citations and examples to help prove your point/claim. Do not use a cover sheet. Make sure that you create a works cited sheet and follow MLA guidelines throughout.
Due: See


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