A Brothers Dreams

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A Brothers Dreams

A Brothers Dreams

In the essay A Brothers Dreams (p. 116-119), the author, Paul Aronowitz, contrasts
himself with his brother. Write an essay in which you show how different you are from
someone close to you, such as a brother, sister, good friend, or acquaintance. As an alternative,
you could contrast two people that you know well. Be sure to clearly indicate the specific
differences that reflect significant and important differences between your subjects in your
thesis statement. For example, dont compare the music people like, or whether they are neat or
messy, unless these characteristics reflect something about their character or their lifestyle that
you are discussing. Instead, compare one persons ambition with another persons passivity or
one persons outgoingness with another persons reclusiveness. Support your points with
specific examples and details in your body paragraphs. Your final paragraph should draw some
conclusion from your contrast.

As with any writing project, you should begin as soon as possible writing down notes or ideas
or lists of details that you might use in your essay. Your first goal is to produce a preliminary
draft that you can then begin to revise. During revision, you may change significantly your
original thesis, your general approach, or your complete topic. All this is part of the writing


women still underpaid and under-represented as CEO’s in corporate America

Why are women still underpaid and under-represented as CEO’s in corporate America


a spanish priest speculates on the origin of the indians in 1590

read this topic. In response to the chosen topic, write a persuasive letter to a Fellow Historian. Your purpose is to convince the reader of the relevance of the topic to today.
You are encouraged to visit the Writing Center or use the Smartthinking Tutoring Service.
Your letter is due at the beginning of class on Monday, February 14, 2015. As explained in the syllabus, the letter must be typed (double spaced and in 12-point font) and must be uploaded into the respective assignment in Canvas. Papers submitted by email or as an attachment to a message or comment in Canvas will not be graded. Late papers cannot be accepted past the beginning of the next class period and cannot earn higher than a 4.
Paragraph One:
Paragraph one is worth .5 points and requires a minimum of THREE sentences. The last sentence in the paragraph should be a thesis sentence. The thesis states the relevance today of understanding the author’s argument and the historical context. Paragraphs with less than three sentences can only receive .25. Paragraphs lacking a thesis statement can only receive .35
Paragraph Two
Paragraph two is worth one point and requires a minimum of EIGHT sentences. The paragraph should address the first question in the topic. You must identify and explain the argument of the author. As you noted in the critical thinking activities, many authors only imply the argument rather than stating the argument. Paragraphs not identifying and explaining the author’s argument cannot earn higher than a .5. Paragraphs with less than eight sentences will be subject to a deduction of .1 points for each sentence shortage.
Paragraph Three and Paragraph Four
Paragraphs three and four are worth one point each and require a minimum of EIGHT sentences each. The paragraphs should address the second questions in the topic. The paragraphs should describe the historical context in which the document was written. Paragraphs lacking discussion of the historical context in which the document was written cannot earn higher than .5 points. Paragraphs with less than eight sentences will be subject to a deduction of .1 points for each sentence shortage.
Paragraph Five
Paragraph five is worth one point and requires a minimum of EIGHT sentences. The paragraph should address the third question in the topic. You must identify the relevance of the topic to today. Paragraphs not identifying and explaining the relevance of the author’s argument and the historical context in which the document was written cannot earn higher than a .5. Paragraphs with less than eight sentences will be subject to a deduction of .1 points for each sentence shortage.
Paragraph Six
Paragraph six is worth .5 points and requires a minimum of THREE sentences. What do you want the reader of your letter to remember? The first sentence should restate the thesis statement. Paragraphs with less than three sentences can only receive .25 points. Paragraphs not restating the thesis statement can only receive .35
Read the selection dated 1590 by Jose de Acosta from “A Priest Speculates on the Origin of the Indian.”
1. What was Acosta’s argument concerning origin of the Native Americans in the Americas? (This question
is about the document. Remember, you did the document analysis in order to understand the argument
and the ideas and information supporting the argument.)

! /!
2 2
2. What was the historical context in which the document was written? (These questions are about the
historical context in which the document was written. The “historical context” means the events and the issues that were of importance when the author wrote the document.)
3. Why is understanding the document and the context relevant today?
Read the selection dated 1630 by John Winthrop from “A City Upon a Hill.”
1. What was Winthrop’s argument? (This question is about the document. Remember, you did the document
analysis in order to understand the argument and the ideas and information supporting the argument.)
2. What was the historical context in which the document was written? (These questions are about the
historical context in which the document was written. The “historical context” means the events and the
issues that were of importance when the author wrote the document.)
3. Why is understanding the document and the context relevant today?
Read the selection dated 1709 by William Byrd from “A Secret Diary.”
1. What was Byrd’s implied argument about colonial society and his place within that society? (This
question is about the document. Remember, you did the document analysis in order to understand the
argument and the ideas and information supporting the argument.)
2. What was the historical context in which the document was written? (These questions are about the
historical context in which the document was written. The “historical context” means the events and the issues that were of importance when the author wrote the document.)
3. Why is understanding the document and the context relevant today?
Read the “Hamilton’s Summation for Zenger” dated 1736 by Andrew Hamilton (as reported by John P. Zenger) from “A Brief Narrative from the Case and Trial of John P. Zenger.”
1. What was Hamilton’s argument? (This question is about the document. Remember, you did the document
analysis in order to understand the argument and the ideas and information supporting the argument.)
2. What was the historical context in which the document was written? (These questions are about the
historical context in which the document was written. The “historical context” means the events and the
issues that were of importance when the author wrote the document.)
3. Why is understanding the document and the context relevant today?
***Note*** I provide a sentence count for your papers in order to insure that you paper will not be too short, but I am concerned about the content of the paper. “The frontier was not a line.” is a sentence, but a paper composed of simple sentences might reach the sentence number requirement, while not providing the necessary content. As noted in the syllabus, the purpose of the response paper is not to provide long strings of “facts, but rather, the response paper gives you the opportunity to apply your knowledge in an effort to understand the document and its relevance to the time period. Please make sure that your paper demonstrates the effort required of an assignment worth 15% of your course grade.

#this is the topic and you have to read it and response about it.

A Spanish Priest Speculates on the
Origin of the Indians in 1590
The Jesuit priest Jose de Acosta (1540–1600) spent seventeen
years, from 1570 to 1587, in Spanish Amer
ica, working in areas
as widely separated as Peru and Mexico. His book
Historia natural y
moral de las Indias
(1590) is invaluable for Acosta’s astute observa-
tions of the native cultures of the Americas and the dramatic effects of
colonization. It also contains his log
ical speculations on the origins
of the Indians, a portion of which is reprinted below. In these
pages, Acosta was first to propose that the Americas had been
populated by migration from the Old World.
Jose de Acosta,
The Naturall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies,
lated by Edward Grimston (London: V. Sims. 1604).
The reason that inforceth us to yeeld that the first men of the Indies
are come from Europe or Asia, is the testimonie of the holy scrip-
ture, which teacheth us plainely that all men came from Adam. We
can therefore give no other beginning to those at the Indies, seeing
the holy scripture saieth, that all beasts and creatures of the earth
perished but such as were reserved in the Arke of Noah, for the
multiplication and maintenance of their kinde; so as we must nec-
essarily referre the multiplication of all beastes to those which
came out of the Arke of Noah, on the mountaines of Ararat, where
it staied. And by this meanes we must seeke out both for men and
beastes the way whereby they might passe from the old world to
this new….
I conjecture…that the new world, which we call Indies, is
not altogether severed and disjoyned from the other world; and to
speake my opinion, I have long beleeved that the one and the other
world are joyned and continued one with another in some part, or
at the least are very neere. And yet to this day there is no certaine
knowledge of the contrary. For towards the Articke or Northerne
Pole all the longitude of the earth is not discovered, and many hold
that above Florida the Land runnes out very large towards the
North, and as they say joynes with the Scithike or German Sea.
Others affirme that a Ship sayling in that Sea reported to have
seene the coast of Bacalaos [Newfoundland] which stretcheth
almost to the confines of Europe. Moreover, no man knowes how
farre the land runnes beyond the Cape of Mendocino [in
California] in the South sea, but that they affirme it is a great
Continent which runnes an infinite length; and returning to the
Southerne Pole no man knowes the lands on the other part of the
Straight of Magellan. A ship belonging to the Bishoppe of
Plasencia, which passed the Straight, reports to have sayled
alwayes within sight of land; the like Hernando Lamero a Pilot
doth affirme, who, forced by foule weather, passed two or three
degrees above the sayd Straight. So as there is no reason or expe-
rience that doth contradict my conceit and opinion, which is, that
the whole earth is united and joyned in some part, or at the least
the one approcheth neere unto the other. If this be true, as in effect
there is some likelyhood, the answere is easie to the doubt we have
propounded, how the first Inhabitants could passe to the Indies.
For that wee must beleeve they could not so conveniently come
thither by Sea as travelling by Land, which might be done without
consideration in changing by little and little their lands and habi-
tations. Some peopling the lands they found, and others seeking
for newe, in time they came to inhabite and people the Indies, with
so many nations, people, and tongues as we see….
Some (following Plato’s opinion) affirme that these men
parted from-Europe or Affricke to go to that famous and renowned
island of Atlantis, and so passed from one island unto another,
until they came to the maine land of the Indies….But, to say the
truth, I do not so much respect the authoritie of Plato (whom they
call Divine), as I will beleeve he could write these things of the
Atlantis island for a true Historie, the which are but meere fables,
seeing hee confesseth that hee learned them of Critias, being a lit-
tle childe, who, among other songs, sung that of the Atlantis
island. But whether that Plato did write it for a true Historie or a
fable, for my part I beleeve that all which he hath written of this
island…cannot be held for true but among children and old folkes.
Others say that the Indians are descended from the Jews; for,
commonly you shall see them fearefull, sub-misse, ceremonious,
and subtill in lying. And, moreover, they say their habites are like
unto those the Jewes used; for they weare a short coat or waste-
coat, and a cloake imbroidered all about; they goe bare-footed, or
with soles tied with latchets over the foot. And they say, that it
appears by their Histories, as also by their ancient pictures, which
represent them in this fashion, that this attire was the ancient
habite of the Hebrewes, and that these two kinds of garments,
which the Indians onely use, were used by Samson, which the
Scripture calleth
Tunicam et Syndonem;
beeing the same which
the Indians terme waste-coat and cloake. But all these conjectures
are light, and rather against them then with them; for wee know
well, that the Hebrewes used letters, whereof there is no shew
among the Indians; they were great lovers of silver, these make no
care of it; the Jews, if they were not circumcised, held not them-
selves for Jewes, and contrariwise the Indians are not at all,
neyther did they ever use any ceremonie neere it as many in the
East have done. But what reason of conjecture is there in this, see-
ing the Jewes are so careful to preserve their language and
Antiquities, so as in all parts of the world they differ and are
known from others, and yet at the Indies alone, they have forgot-
ten their Lineage, their Law, their Ceremonies, their Messiahs;
and, finally, their whole Indaisme. And whereas they say, the
Indians are feareful cowards, superstitious, and subtill in lying; for
the first, it is not common to all, there are some nations among the
Barbarians free from these vices, there are some valiant and hardy,
there are some blunt and dull of understanding….
It is easier to refute and contradict the false opinions con-
ceyved of the Originall of the Indians, then to set downe a true and
certaine resolution; for that there is no writing among the Indians,
nor any certaine remembrances of their founders; neyther is there
any mention made of this new world in their bookes that have
knowledge of letters; our Ancients held, that in those parts, there
were neyther men, land, nor haven. So as hee should seeme rash and
presumptuous, that should thinke to discover the first beginning of
the Indians. But we may judge a farre off, by the former discourse,
that these Indians came by little and little to this newe world, and
that by the helpe and meanes of the neerenesse of lands, or by some
navigation; the which seemes to mee the meanes whereby they
came, and not that they prepared any armie to goe thither of pur-
pose; neyther that they have been caried thither by any ship-wracke
or tempest, although some of these things may chance in some part
of the Indies; for these Regions being so great, as they containe
Nations without number, we may beleeve, that some came to inhab-
ite after one sort, and some after an other. But in the ende I resolve
upon this point, that the true and principall cause to people the
Indies, was, that the lands and limits thereof are joyned and contin-
ued in some extremities of the world, or at the least were very neere.
And I beleeve it is not many thousand yeeres past since men first
inhabited this new world and West Indies, and that the first men that
entred, were rather savage men and hunters, then bredde up in civill
and well governed Common-weales; and that they came to this new
world, having lost their owne land, or being in too great numbers,
they were forced of necessitie to seeke some other habitations; the
which found, they beganne by little and little to plant, having no
other law, but some instinct of nature, and that very darke, and some
customes remayning of their first Countries. And although they
came from Countries well governed, yet is it not incredible to thinke
that they had forgotten all through the tract of time and want of use,
seeing that in Spaine and Italie we find companies of men, which
have nothing but the shape and countenance onely, whereby we may
conjecture in what sort this new world grew so barbarous and


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