I need the front end of a research paper that captures the outline below for the following topic:

. Consider participating in the discussion by simplifying a classmate s expression, showing how the expression would be incorrectly simplified if computed from left to right, or challenging the class with a complicated expression. Respond to your initial post and provide your classmates with the answer to your expression.
August 15, 2017
Research Wal-Mart 10-K reports and Annual Reports with other material, 2009 to present. Explain and analyze the following questions:
August 15, 2017
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I need the front end of a research paper that captures the outline below for the following topic:

Can rural communities and host developing countries be industrialized at a fast rate by using stranded gas and abundant gas resources currently flared as part of oil production
I need the front end of a research paper that captures the outline below for the following topic:
I want it to capture the hypothesis I need to test with a focus on some journals.
Intro 2 pages

Can rural communities and host developing countries be industrialized at a fast rate by using stranded gas and abundant gas resources currently flared as part of oil production with the balance mostly targeted to the export market.

It will need to touch on the feasibility and viability of host nations and indigenous companies participating in the development with support of financial institutions (Carbon Financing, Project Finance, Debt, Private Equity, Venture Capital etc)
No need for abstract and executive summary for this paper.
It should highlight the reason for studying it and the importance.
Literature Review 11 pages

Review with a goal of showing a gap of literature or debate
Close it with a paragraph of the Statement of research paper/question”.
What is the follow on effect, benefits of development of gas resources and associated gas in developing countries.

Is it possible for gas development to lead to rapid industrialization. Corrleate to Algeria and Pt Lisas, Trinidad.
Research Methods
What are the realistic assumptions and my research methodology?
Eg: I will be researching a handful of companies and interviewing community leaders, carrying out case studies and interviewing government, banks, funding and oil company management.

Expand on how I will go about conducting the research and the reliability of my sources and a casual analysis of why I am using the approach.
Pro and Cons of my adopted Research Methods
Detail how the data would be gathered. Sample size, surveys I will use etc.
Sample size and unit analysis. What is the amount of data available

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