1 An overview of how the policy reforms have or will play out in the local, systemic, sectorial, national and global context of your institution. i.e. how is this policy theme understood in the context of your institution? You should use and cite the education policy literature in providing this overview, not just say what you think.
2 Identify the philosophical understanding of the purpose of education evident in the policy reforms. You should use examples from a specific policy texts to support your argument.
3 Identify the effects of dominant policy influences on the proposed reforms and provide an overview of both the perceived advantages and criticisms of the influence/s you have identified. In this section you will again draw upon the policy evaluation literature with better work demonstrating an understanding beyond the set readings
4 Evaluate the research evidence used in your chosen policy texts that implement some or all of the reforms listed above. A number of these texts are provided in the readings of this unit. Identify any positions in the policy texts that appear ‘data proof’.
5 Make recommendations about how your institution should respond to the policy agenda. Remember that responding to policy is never as simple as ‘implementation’. You may wish to support a particular approach and need to identify the policy instruments you will use, or you may wish to resist a policy approach and will need to identify the tactics available to you to do so.
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Posted on May 6, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions