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Based on the cultural differences, develop a culturally responsive negotiation strategy for American negotiators to deal with Japanese negotiators.

Oranges Between the USA and Japan

The USA and Japan were in negotiations for a period of ten years, (1977 – 1988) over oranges. The Americans had certain goals that they wanted to accomplish in these negotiations. These goals included; exporting of American oranges in the Japanese market, demand that Japan liberalizes its market, and to eliminate the trade barriers in Japan. The Japanese also had their own goals that they wanted to accomplish in the negotiation process. These included; maintaining its positive image outside Japan, avoiding intervention from GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs), and to avoid sanctions from abroad.

Initially, the Japanese refused to negotiate right away, and started negotiating only when Americans threatened them that they would take the issue to GATT panel. Using Hofstede’s Model of Cultural Dimensions from our textbook, compare and contrasts the cultural differences that might influence both parties.

•Based on the cultural differences, develop a culturally responsive negotiation strategy for American negotiators to deal with Japanese negotiators.

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