VIEW VIDEO: Killing Us Softly 4
This video and lecture analyzes dominant notions of femininity and how popular media and advertising send messages to girls and women that emphasize feminine perfection, self-doubt in females, how and what girls should be—all of which emerge from a masculinist perspective.
READ: Killing us softly study guide
READ: Belenky, M., Clinchy, B., Goldberger, H., & Tarule, J. (2006). Connected teaching. In H. Shapiro, K. Latham, & S. Ross (Eds.), The institution of education (5th ed., pp. 125-135). Boston: Pearson.
The article, “Connected Teaching,” illuminates the ways in which dominant styles of teaching and pedagogy are rooted in similar perspectives. The authors develop an alternative pedagogy where connection and dialogue replace separation and lecture.
Written Summary Papers: It is expected that students will read all assigned readings and will participate in the Discussion Board assignments and conversation. Students are required to write a two-page type-written (12 point font, double-space) summary paper of the article assigned.
Objectives of the Summary Paper:
• To develop students’ reading and comprehension skills
• To develop students’ ability to articulate in succinct ways an author’s primary arguments and rationale
• To prepare students for informed and engaged discussion of the assigned readings
• To prepare students for writing articulate and informed Position Papers later in the semester.
Description: The Summary Paper should explain the focus of the article (what it is about) and give a summary of the three-four majors points of the author. Note that a summary paper contains only a concise explanation of the important points in the article; it is not an opinion, response, or position paper. [Students will write Position Papers later in this course]
An effective Summary Paper includes these five characteristics:
1 – Captures the author’s primary ideas in a cogent and efficient manner
2 – Articulates the theoretical and applied implications of the readings
3 – Summarizes the author’s arguments in a straightforward manner
4 – Clarifies the author’s rationale in concise ways
5 – Highlights one important quote from the reading that distills the primary message of the reading