Alberti’s "The Book of the Family": Describe Alberti’s concept of what a family is, and what basic values underlie the family. Do you think Alberti’s views are valid today? Have our understandings of the family changed? How? Is our society better off or worse off because of any changes you see?
–Double spaced, no extra skipped spaces, margins 1" or Word default.
–Times New Roman 11 font.
–Heading giving name, date, course.
–Numbered pages.
Content: Each essay must have a thesis, or main argument. A thesis is neither a topic nor a question, but a declarative sentence expressing a point of view. Each essay should have a short introductory paragraph containing the thesis, three to five substantial development paragraphs, and a brief concluding paragraph.
No subtoptics or headers.
Must have strong not vague thesis
Maintain with in the era do not mix era
Clearer more comprehensive thesis within first paragraph
Avoid 2nd person "you"
restrictive vs non-restrictive clauses
correct usage of commas
Reference your work! Cite and support your argument.