Customer brand equity Order Description 3. Marketing . a) Outline and critically assess the concept of customer brand equity in marketing.?You should draw on the articles cited below and supplement this with your own literature review. (60 marks) . b) Utilising Kellers Customer Brand Equity model, select a brand and critically evaluate its success at achieving customer brand equity highlighting where you think improvements are needed.?(40 Marks) ?Provide evidence to support your argument by drawing on relevant academic, trade or popular press, or company materials including company website. (Please note you are not under any circumstances to contact the company directly for information.) Reading: Keller, K. (2001) Building brand customer-based brand equity: a blueprint for creating strong brands, Marketing Science Institute Report No. 01-107, available via Keller, K. and Lehmann, D. (2006) Brands and branding: research findings and future priorities, Marketing Science, 25:6, November-December, 740-759 Osborne P and Ballantyne D (2012). The paradigmatic pitfalls of customer centric marketing, Marketing Thoery 12: 155-172