Order Description
A friend writes to you and tells you “Peace is impossible. People are naturally violent and civilization has never been able to exist without war. Only a strong
military guarantees a peaceful society.”
Write back to your friend and tell him or her what you have learned so far that challenges his or her statement. Divide your letter into four (4) separate components
and use each one to explain how peace is possible based on course lectures, readings, videos, and material on the Electronic Reserve. Number each section and give it a
title. e.g. 1. Human Nature. 2. Peaceful Societies. Etc. You may have more than four components in your paper if you wish.
The choice of topics is up to you and should include as much course material as possible. Refer to the course material in the text (no notes necessary) by a statement
such as this: “As I read in the Seville Statement….” or “As Dr. Fahey explains in his article on Pelagius and Augustine…”
The more course materials you use to make your case that peace is possible the better. at least two references in each section (total of at least ten).