.This week’s topic is trash! How many pounds of household hazardous waste and regular household waste are generated in the US per year? How about in your state or local area or on your base? Can you readily find this information? Do the numbers surprise you?

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August 7, 2017
CIS 273 4.5.6 question
August 7, 2017
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.This week’s topic is trash! How many pounds of household hazardous waste and regular household waste are generated in the US per year? How about in your state or local area or on your base? Can you readily find this information? Do the numbers surprise you?

ENV411 dqs form5 wk5 (text book/ The new Environmental Regulation- Fiorino, D. Chapter 5) 1.This week’s topic is trash!  How many pounds of household hazardous waste and regular household waste are generated in the US per year? How about in your state or local area or on your base?  Can you readily find this information?  […]

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