Topic Paper (30 points, due week 5) – Students will choose a topic in the field of psychology ethics that interests them. Students can do this by choosing something that stands out in readings or by brainstorming with the course instructor. Students are encouraged to choose a topic that is relevant to their career aspirations: the paper can be of significance to human resource professionals, mental health professionals, and/or psychologists, and can be relevant to various settings, including businesses, clinical/counseling settings, legal settings, schools, government agencies, research settings, and/or higher education. Students should have the topic approved by their instructor by week 3.
Students will review books, articles, and websites and write a 6-7 page (typed, double-spaced, APA format) paper. At least six references are required for this paper, and such references should include peer-reviewed literature and empirical research (if available for their topic). The paper (as well as a presentation of the key points in the paper) will be due week 5.
Presentation of Topic Paper (10 points, presentation in class week 5) – Students will present a well-organized power-point presentation of their topic paper to the class during week 5. Students