Due to the upcoming expansion and decision to possibly go public, CMC has been reviewing its operating policies. Connor and Martin are contemplating a change in the accounting for its equipment from the straight-line method to an accelerated method. However, they wonder how the company will report this accounting change and how it will affect their financial statements. For their third request, they would like you to research the following topics

White House released Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-8 to further enhance national preparedness for the United States. Subsequent updates have been added to the directive to further enhance national preparedness. This policy is organized around the following six elements: 1. National Preparedness Goal 2. National Preparedness System 3. National Preparedness Report 4. National Preparedness Frameworks 5. Federal Interagency Operational Plans 6. Build and Sustain Preparedness The assignment is to create a PowerPoint Presentation of the six elements of the Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-8.
August 7, 2017
Do you believe our company’s mission, vision and values statements align well? Why or why not?
August 7, 2017
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Due to the upcoming expansion and decision to possibly go public, CMC has been reviewing its operating policies. Connor and Martin are contemplating a change in the accounting for its equipment from the straight-line method to an accelerated method. However, they wonder how the company will report this accounting change and how it will affect their financial statements. For their third request, they would like you to research the following topics

THIS ASSIGNMENT NEEDS TO BE PLAGARISM FREE AND MUST USE LEGITIMATE SOURCES (NO COURSEHERO, NO WIKIPEDIA, ECT.). THE ITEMS BELOW NEED TO BE THERE SHOULD INCLUDE IN TEXT APA CITATIONS ALONG WITH CORRECT APA REFERNCES. PLEASE USE FASB DATABASE AND ITEMS PERTAINING TO ACCOUNTING SPECIFICALLY TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW. Due to the upcoming expansion and decision to possibly go public, CMC has been reviewing its operating policies. Connor and Martin are contemplating a change in the accounting for its equipment from the straight-line method to an accelerated method. However, they wonder how the company will report this accounting change and how it will affect their financial statements. For their third request, they would like you to research the following topics: should be as follows:For more information on APA, please review the  under the  tab.

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