Guidelines for Course Project
The course project involves conducting an in-class experiment and summarizing that study in a 7 to 9-page paper. The topic(s) for the project will be presented later. The collected data will be analyzed and the results will be presented to you. Your task will be to interpret the results and summarize the experiment in a research paper.
The paper should be written in APA (American Psychological Association) format and should include the following sections: (1) title page, (2) abstract, (3) introduction, (4) method, (5) results, (6) discussion, and (7) references. Append tables and figures to the back of the paper. A minimum of one table and one figure should be included.
In the introduction you should: (1) state the purpose of the study, (2) briefly describe the type of study being conducted, (3) review the relevant literature, (4) summarize the review and define the research questions to be investigated, and (5) make a set of specific predictions about the expected findings. I will provide two papers for each topic, which will be available on WebCT. You will need to find one additional paper and integrate it into the introduction. For the literature review, it is best to proceed topically as opposed to a study-by-study basis. That is, define and discuss the major sub topics citing literature that pertains to each. Towards the end of the introduction summarize the research and identify the question(s) that will be answered. Briefly summarize the method and make predictions. When writing the introduction and discussion sections maintain focus on the topic and avoid extraneous issues. Do not get lost in a description of the specifics of the experiments or the minutia of the analyses.
The method section should summarize the procedure that we did for the in-class experiment. Include separate sub-sections that describe the studies: (1) participants, (2) materials, and (2) procedures.
In the results section summarize the results of the study. Be sure to present and describe the means and report any statistical tests that were conducted. I will analyze the data for each experiment present the results in class. You should summarize the means in a table, and also a figure (most likely a bar graph).
In the discussion section, summarize the main findings and discuss whether or not they support the predictions. Discuss the implications of the results and determine whether they support or are inconsistent with the findings of the reviewed studies. Identify shortcomings of the procedure and limitations of the results.
References should be cited in the text and listed in an appended reference section. A minimum of three references are required. The best way to obtain references/articles is to find a fairly recent article and work backwards from its reference section. The most common reference types are edited book and journal article, which are presented below, respectively:
Reference Examples
Zacks, R. T., Hasher, L., & Li K. Z. H. (2000). Human memory. In F. I. M. Craik, & T. A. Salthouse (Eds.), The handbook of cognition and aging (2nd ed.)(pp. 293-357). Manwah, NJ: Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
Zelinski, E. M., & Burnight, K. P. (1997). Sixteen-year longitudinal and time lag changes in memory and cognition in older adults. Psychology and Aging, 12, 503-513.
Needs improvement
Needs inclusion
TITLE PAGE: Text centered w/ title, name, affiliation
Introduction (_____/10 points)
State purpose of the study
Identify and describe type of study being conducted and the motivation for the study
Define major topics and issues in a literature review
Briefly describe the experiment that will be conducted
Describe possible results/outcomes
Formally state predictions/hypotheses
Method (_____/10 points)
Design: Describe the experimental design
Identify and describe the dependent variable (DV)
Identify and describe the independent variable (IV)
How many subjects? How many per group?
Describe subject characteristics
How were the subjects recruited for the study?
Describe the study materials: what type of stimuli were used?; how many items were presented?; what were the characteristics of the stimuli?; were they presented on paper or by computer?
Describe the test materials: what type of stimuli were used?; how many items were presented?; what were the characteristics of the stimuli?; were they presented on paper or by computer?
Describe the experimental setting
Describe the procedure in a step-by-step manner.
Results (_____/10 points)
Present and describe the means or frequencies (include a table of the means if needed)
Describe the patterns observed in the data
Describe the “significant” differences and non-significant results
Describe other results (e.g., effect sizes)
Discussion (_____/10 points)
Summarize the study design and the results
Restate each hypothesis and determine whether or not the results support.
Discuss the implications of the results
Were the results consistent with the previous literature?
Discuss possible shortcomings of the experiment
What are possible problems with the sample, materials, and procedure?
How could the experiment be improved?
What future experiments would you suggest?
Abstract, References and Readability (_____/10 points)
GRADE: (_____/50 POINTS):
We conducted an experiment on the development of false memory. Roediger and McDermott (1994, 1995) showed that when a study list includes semantically related words such as “bed”, “rest” and, “pillow” false memories can be created for other semantically related words that were not in the list (e.g., “sleep). In their experiment, falsely recalled items were referred to as critical lures. Participants often recalled the critical lure, and they are likely to report high confidence ratings for their memory for the critical lure.
Our experiment was designed to demonstrate this false memory effect. Two predictions are:
1. the critical lure will be recalled at about the same rate as other words in the study list.
2. the critical lure will be associated with high confidence ratings that are not lower than the average confidence rating of the study items.
The subjects consisted of 34 college students who were enrolled in a Cognitive Psychology course taught at California State University, Los Angeles. Age, gender, and other demographic characteristics were not recorded.
The results appear below:
Items recalled
Proportion of studied items recalled: .64
Proportion of subjects to recall critical lure: .63
Confidence ratings
Average confidence rating for correctly recalled item:3.80
Average confidence rating for the critical lure:3.59
Test of Hypothesis 1: One-group T-Test comparing recall of the critical lure (pop value) versus the proportion recalled.
Critical lure?
Valid Percent
Cumulative Percent
One-Sample Statistics
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
One-Sample Test
Test Value = .629
Sig. (2-tailed)
Mean Difference
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Test of Hypothesis 2: Dependent groups T-Test comparing confidence rating of the critical lure versus the average confidence rating for items recalled
Paired Samples Statistics
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
Pair 1
Recall confidence
Lure confidence
Paired Samples Test on Confidence Ratings
Paired Differences
Sig. (2-tailed)
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
Pair 1
CR – Lure
I have additional articles to email the writer. Also you must choose one more article for false memory testing.