Describe how changing ideas about religion, philosophy, science, and psychology influence the understanding of health. Paradigm Shift: Religion, Spirituality, Science and CAM (2–3 pages) Answer the following questions:
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1. What is the role of religion and spirituality in health? 2. How might religion, spirituality, and science be integrated as part of a paradigm shift to holistic healing? 3. How might the use of a Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) model serve as a paradigm shift? Example: 1. Introduction (purpose statement or what the paper discusses) 2. Religion and Spirituality in Healing (briefly discuss) 3. Science and Healing (briefly discuss) 4. Benefits of Using Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Approach (briefly describe) 5. Conclusion (summary of what the paper discussed) 6. References (APA format)
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