Based on your developed knowledge about learning theory, this week you will be developing the “bones” for your final paper/presentation. Thus, you are organizing the information you will apply and fully develop next week, as well as, confirm your understanding of each area of content to be included.
Required elements:
Examples include:
- From Behaviorism (associationistic models of learning)
- Associative Learning , Classical Conditioning , Operant Conditioning, Conditioning, Extinction, and Ratio/Interval Schedules
- From Cognition (the cognitive science of information processing representations of learning).
- Schema Theory, dialectical processing, Problem-Based Learning, memory development, categorization, Elaboration theory (i.e. Bloom’s Taxonomy), spiral curriculum, memory development, and coding.
- From Constructivism (conceptions of knowledge are derived from the process of constructing individual interpretations of one’s experiences)
- Cognitive Constructivism, Social Constructivism, Situated Cognition, Social Learning Theory, Zone of Proximal Development, and Discovery Learning
- From Humanism
- Motivational theories of learning (i.e. Self-determination Theory, Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs), Emotional Intelligence development, Multiple Intelligences, Experiential Learning , and Steiner pedagogy or Waldorf education.
Examples include:
- From Behaviorism (associationistic models of learning)
- Rewards and Punishments
- From Cognition (the cognitive science of information processing representations of learning)
- Practice, scaffolding of the content, repetition of curriculum/content, and application of Bloom’s Taxonomy
- From Constructivism (conceptions of knowledge are derived from the process of constructing individual interpretations of one’s experiences)
- Scaffolding by the instructor, interactive learning as seen in role-playing, discussions, and discovery activities
- From Humanism
- Meeting individual needs, activities that encourage belonging, autonomy, and competence, metacognitive activities, and alignment of learning to personal experiences.
Additional Requirements: